Tid bits Summer/Fall 2014

August 12, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I have so many fun moments from the spring and summer, that I don't know what to share. So here they are! 

The kids LOVED sleeping in the tent. It was just in our own yard, but they thought it was awesome! Too bad Denis and I didn't agree. 

Our backyard gardens have really grown up this season. I haven't been the greatest at keeping them weeded and watered though. My potted plants are suffering without everyday watering. They are surviving, but not thriving like usual. 

Ball season was so busy, but so much fun. The kids really had a blast. We have too much going on this fall to participate in fall ball. I'm pretty sure we will hit it up again in the spring though. 

Ballpark fashion. 

Long days during ball season make for a worn out 2 year old. She sure was a champ through it all though.

I hollowed out real eggs last year, painted them, and filled them with a message for each kid to crack open Easter morning. This year Riley was anticipating that special treat. She asked to help with the eggs. That led to ALL of the kids "helping." Last year I thought it would become tradition that I made the eggs for the kids every year. I am very pleased with the twist of them making their own egg.

Bake, bake, bake...

Last day of Kindergarten! 

I sure hope we live here next year so Charlie can have Mrs. Marse too!

Nanny summer fun!

Thanks for the fun activity Nanny Jaime! 


This little bit decided to wear her swimsuit every day all summer. She also lived out of her suitcase.

Riley had no problem getting the neighborhood boys to play My Little Pony Monopoly this summer. They all had a great time! We are so sad that the two boys with their backs to us recently moved. We really enjoyed their company. 

I do not think she will be a fashion designer. Although, she's so cute she would look adorable in a potato sack. 

This is how our monthly photo shoots for Etta Cat go. Everyone feels like they have to be involved.

Oh Riley, I knew it was only a matter of time. 


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