Tidbits January and February 2014

January 30, 2014

Here's a last few favorite images to top off February tidbits: 

One of my goals before I had Etta Catherine was to take yearly pictures of the other kids. Since she came early I didn't get the chance. I finally got around to it last week. I played around with lighting too much trying things out. I should have stuck with my typical setup though. Regardless the kids are adorable.

Paul was very cooperative, so I didn't take very many of him. Riley, on the other hand, was uncooperative and I took a bunch of her. I ended up with more good ones of Riley because of it. Next time I'll be sure to get more of Paul to even it out. I know when they are 15 and 13 they will be comparing who had more pictures taken by mom when they were young. 

Riley is no doubt 8 years old. She acted like it for her entire session! The pictures below will prove me right.

I snapped these of Charlie and Camille on the fly a couple of weeks ago. Charlie needs another turn for sure. This is the only decent shot I got of her and it isn't all that great. She wasn't really interested though. I typically have to let it be her idea for it to work out. Maybe I can plant that seed this week. 

This very thoughtful one of Camille is by far my favorite. It makes me wonder what she was thinking at that moment. 

1 month1 month

Still the toy of the year.

Our pictures would never be as good without Nanny to do hair.

Perfect baby parts.

Etta's valentine hug to the world:

Riley's valentine gifts to her classmates (thanks Pinterest for the free printable cards): 


She ate candy before she was even fully awake. Then she thought she could again the next morning. No such luck kiddo! 

If only I could convince her to keep the stickers in a book…

…or on me. Instead I am finding them ALL over the house in random places.

Chubby cheeks:

The girls have a new hiding spot. This makes for some nice quite time for mommy during the day and a mess to clean up at night.

Aunt Re snuggles came at just the right time. I am so glad my girls will have sisters when they grow up.

The only craft Riley has participated in since the rainbow loom is making "rock people." Aren't they cute?

When you ask your son to get the ketchup for dinner and he doesn't…
your husband gets it and hands it to your 2 year old…
the 2 year old takes the paper off…
then goes to the table to eat the ketchup right out of the bottle…
then you ask your son to get a new ketchup bottle out of the pantry…
thankfully it didn't start all over again, but it would have without a sibling to tattle tale.

Camille with HER baby.

5 kids + one box = fun for 1 hour

Happy Mardi Gras! 

When mommy gets a package the whole house has a good time.

The kids were fascinated watching the minuscule amount of snow as it fell to the ground. 

She is simply amazing!

This little bit looks so serious here, but she sure does keep me laughing! 

Etta is sporting a really awesome headband made by Denis' cousin using his deceased grandmother's fabric scraps. Super special.


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