Camille is 6 months old!

September 14, 2012

I can't believe this kid is 6 months old already! 


With our first we couldn't/didn't want to remember life without her. I can't say the same now, because I have 3 sweet kiddos older than Camille that I want to remember the early days with. I can say this little critter has brought so much  J O Y  into our house this year. We are all having so much fun watching Camille's personality emerge. 




These sweet looking hands sure are itchy grabby these days. She was fascinated with this blanket. Good thing or she would have been screaming for a toy. I didn't want a toy in these photos. We wanted simple, classic portraits of  H E R.  She happily let me snap for 40 minutes. What a great model!


Camille bug was a bit of a bear when these two teeth were coming in. A couple of cold teethers from the fridge and some good rubbing with my thumb coaxed those little boogers out in no time.




I'm thinking she may have gotten some blanket fibers in her mouth. I thought this was pretty funny. 


U P    O N     A L L     F O U R S !

This bug must think she's bigger than she is (or her mommy just thinks she's growing too fast)!


This baby girl has a plethora of clothes (she's girl number 3 in this house, and girl number 5 in my family). Since she will be clothed for decency reasons the rest of her life here's her birthday suit for now. 


"Um, I need a little snack mom."


Those belly crinkles couldn't possibly be any more perfect. 


Paul woke up from his nap and joined me behind the scenes of this shoot. I'm sure glad I started this when the other kids were sleeping. If they would have been awake Camille never would have looked at the camera. They fascinate her. 


I had to direct Paul to practically sit on my head to get Camille looking back in the direction of the camera. He did a great job! I was able to get a few more shots of her looking. I know her tongue is sticking out a little here, but I really do adore this shot of her. 


What a perfect happy girl!


Chubby knees. Chubby legs.


The formal photo shoot ends here. I had the plan to take some outdoor pictures to add to this studio set, but it hasn't happened yet. I will take some before she is a year old, I promise.

Update: It is now her birthday and I never did take those outdoor photos. Oh well.


On to the fun stuff...

My general rule of thumb is that healthy babies do NOT need any source of nutrition (other than breastmilk or formula) until they are sitting up on their own.  She accomplished this about a month ago. Unfortunately, I had to start giving her food. I say "unfortunately" because it is a little bit of a pain in the behind. I enjoy feeding my babies food the first few times, but after that it becomes a chore for me. I don't want to feel this way about it, but I do. My meals are less enjoyable because I have to spoon feed a baby through lunch and dinner. I usually make the most of it, like I do everything, but there is no denying how I feel about it.

Don't worry, I am grateful I have a healthy baby that can eat without difficulty in order to grow.  We just mash whatever fresh veggies and fruits we are eating. This has always worked perfectly for us. It gives me a great feeling to know I am providing my baby with great nutrition in such a fresh way.

My kids are amazed every time I let Camille try something new. Thanks Nanny Jaime for feeding her so I could take a picture. She ate like a pro from the first. 


Here's the 6 month calendar picture. I can't wait to put all of these together at one year!


Camille's first hurricane! Thankfully we never needed to use the flashlight. Camille thought it was fun to hold while I let her. My other children have an obsession (yes obsession) with flashlights. Why not start her out early too?


This baby is my best sleeper yet. I think it has something to do with this thumb. I'm already fighting that when she's awake. As long as she is happy she doesn't plug it up. If she needs something and I don't get to it right away she inevitably finds that thumb for a source of comfort. It's ok for now, but I'll crack down hard at 1 year. 


This was a nap in the pack n play at Mae Mae and Pa Pa's house. We spent the day there to celebrate our Toledo Bend weekend that was canceled due to hurricane Issac. I couldn't resist a shot of those chubby legs with her foot propped up in the corner. 


More feet!

This baby looks way bigger than I want her to!


Denis put Camille in the baby swing for the first time when I was at work. He took a picture of her with his phone and sent it to me. I teared up when I saw it. I wanted to run home to enjoy those moments with my family. They were all outside on a gorgeous fall day without me! I know I know; waaaaahhhh. That's exactly what I was doing: whining! 

Since I missed the photo op of Camille in her swing for the first time. You better believe I took her out the very next morning. She had a blast and I got some great pictures. 


Since I have Paul in a shot of Camille getting her first food I felt like I should be fair and include my other children as well. This expression sums up how Riley reacts every time Camille does something new. Riley runs around acting goofy and cheering Camille on!


Here's one of Charlie being a great big sister by pushing Camille in the swing. Charlie is pretty rough with Camille. We have to watch her closely, but she did great pushing slowly and gently (this time). 



Once again, I can't believe our tiny bundle of joy is already this big bundle of joy! She brings an immeasurable amount of happiness into our home. We are blessed beyond belief with this little (some say big) family of ours. Thank you to all who are interested in keeping up with us. I hope you enjoy this little post of our sweet Camille. 



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